The Internet is a Wonderful place, but it can also be a bit scary, especially for parents who may not know how to help their kids stay safe online. That’s where Fareedah Shaheed comes in. She’s a 25-year-old Award-Winning Internet Safety Expert, and her goal is to help parents ensure their kids are protected while using the Internet.
Fareedah isn’t just making strides in a male-dominated tech industry – she’s carving a new path. As the CEO and founder of Sekuva, Fareedah is championing online security education for the non-tech-savvy, with a mission to empower a million mothers globally.
Her story begins in Saudi Arabia, where her status as the lone black American student casts her as a third culture child. In an interview, she opened up about her Saudi Arabian odyssey. “The allure of immediate belonging dissipated,” Fareedah reflects on her childhood in Saudi Arabia. “I had to create my own space, feeling like the odd one out.”
She then returned to the US and began a degree in technology, focusing on cybersecurity, followed by a stint in corporate cybersecurity awareness and threat intelligence. Her passion for online security was sparked by her father’s books on Information Technology, leading her to delve into the field. However, her true calling emerged when she founded Sekuva in 2018 at the age of 21.
Motivated by the desire to protect families from cyber threats, Sekuva launched the Safe Kids movement. The initiative simplifies online security for parents, covering topics from online safety principles to human trafficking, providing a holistic approach. Since the inception of Sekuva, she had the privilege of educating thousands of individuals on online safety and security.
The impact of her work reverberated globally, earning her a coveted spot on Forbes magazine’s 30 under 30 list. Fareedah advocates for early education on online security, believing it should start when children first interact with technology. The goal is to integrate digital literacy seamlessly into their lives, ensuring a safe online journey.
Addressing the gender gap in STEM careers, she advocates for mentorship and a diverse work environment. She believes that inclusivity is not just about women in leading roles but ensuring they feel valued and have a clear path forward.
Author Profile

- Fizza Tanveer writes stories about history for The Feisty News. She resurrects lost stories with her pen-as-time machine. To her, history isn't mere facts and figures; instead, it's about understanding the past's impact on our world.
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