Chris Timmons:
So, there’s a couple of reasons.
I think you’re going to find that, with regard to some of the individuals listed in the special purpose grand jury’s report, that they have cut deals with the state. In other words, they have flipped them. And as a part of being flipped, they were offered immunity.
I think some of it also is, you have got a wide-ranging indictment. It’s about 98 pages’ long with 19 defendants in it. It’s not uncommon when you have got a massive criminal scheme to narrow it. I did a cocaine RICO conspiracy here in Georgia. We started off with 45 defendants. We ultimately whittled it down to, coincidentally, 19 as well just to make it easier on us.
And so the defendants that were left out of the indictment, out of the RICO indictment, may be charged in different indictments later on down the road, but just for ease of moving forward. And if you have got deals cut, they’re not going to appear within it.
And, finally, I mean, it’s a RICO indictment. And so, in order to move forward on a RICO indictment, you have got to prove that every person who’s in the RICO indictment is a part of the conspiracy.
If you have defendants that don’t neatly fit within the conspiracy, you’re going to leave them out. And I suspect that’s what happened to some of the defendants here or potential defendants here.
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