My kids say I’m sexist, that I hate men–but they don’t get it.
Projections still favor GOP to take House |
I favor women until a woman proves herself against women, against democracy, against loving your neighbor. Or until a man turns out to be sympatico, a kindred spirit, as many men are.
My commitment to Jesus requires me to vote against a hater and liar, whatever the gender, so I oppose Lauren Boebert in the 2022 election. I support Adam Frisch.
This week is a nail biter, as last week was. The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office reports today that by Wednesday (or Friday at the latest), the 1,100 remaining votes–military and overseas–will be counted and reported.
Meanwhile Boebert has 50.17 percent of the vote, while Frisch has 49.83 percent, reports Gilbert Ortiz, Pueblo County Clerk and Recorder.
My daughter Marie in San Miguel County voted for Adam Frisch. She majored in Gender Studies in college and is an ardent feminist.
My mother’s cousin Morrison Brown, a Democrat for all of his 89 years, explained to me that Colorado requires a recount if two candidates are separated by .5% or less. He lives in Cortez, where most of my family voted Democrat, and he refuses to give up hope.
“Colorado has a Blue Ribbon voting system,” he continued. “Every registered voter gets a ballot by mail, and afterward you get a text that says your vote’s been counted.”
“What really burns my tail is that 3,000 voters didn’t vote for either one. They couldn’t stand to vote for Boebert, but they didn’t want to vote blue. If they had voted in this race, Frisch wouldn’t be 974 votes short.”
Adam Frisch had the lead on election night, Nov. 8, and we all thought he would win.
“Now Jayson Boebert won’t be able to ride around on his tractor shooting mailboxes without getting arrested!” shouted my daughter Roz, coming home from her election day’s evening shift at Starbucks. She soothes the nerves of anxious Santa Monica voters with caffeine and sugar.
“Anyone who votes for Boebert isn’t the brightest light in the room,” commented Morrison.
Roz, Marie and I all agree with him.
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