One year ago today, following the Dobbs decision, The Supreme Court has continued to show a limited and regressive view of the rights conferred by our Constitution. It has also become clearer that opponents of equality in Congress will continue to manipulate the government to further the second-class status of women and gender/sexual minorities in America.
Currently, abortion is either illegal or severely restricted in at least 15 states. We are now witnessing the dire consequences of this reproductive crisis, which is detrimentally impacting the lives of women, girls, and persons who can become pregnant with physical and mental burdens that ripple across generations—especially for people of color.
Statements from some of the ERA Coalition‘s Partner Organizations include:
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA):
Today, we also honor the strength and resilience of Latina workers, and remember the impact of the Dobbs’s decision and recognize our ongoing struggle for bodily autonomy.
Mientras conmemoramos el aniversario de la decisión de Dobbs, reconozcamos que los derechos reproductivos impactan a las comunidades latinas de manera desproporcionada. Al apoyar la #ERANow, podemos luchar por el acceso equitativo a la atención médica y garantizar que se escuchen todas las voces. #ERAparaTodos #ERAAfterRoe
El aniversario de la decisión de Dobbs nos recuerda la urgencia de proteger los derechos reproductivos de todos, incluidas nuestras hermanas latinas. Al adoptar los principios de #ERANow, podemos crear una sociedad donde las voces latinas son valoradas y respetadas. #ERAAfterRoe
So, on this important day, we must also center the experiences of Latina individuals in the fight for reproductive justice.
Muslims for Progressive Values:
Further, banning the right to choose to have a safe and accessible abortion eliminates an individual’s bodily autonomy and control over their sexual and reproductive decisions, rights mandated to Muslim women by the Qur’an. Restricting the right to choose directly violates the beliefs that many Muslims hold that women hold God-given agency over their body and that the well-being, health, and wellness of a mother and pregnant individual come above all else:
In the Holy Qur’an, “no soul shall be compelled beyond capacity, neither the mother made to suffer for child or the father for his offspring” (Qur’an 2:233), as a reminder that God wishes only ease for us and that ease is nowhere to be found without bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.
National Partnership For Women and Families:
Due to #Dobbs, thousands of pregnant people have not been able to have the abortions they sought in the last year, with significant negative consequences for their lives, plans, health and economic security.
As a result, pregnant people are more anxious than ever about the privacy of their personal health information and face heightened risks of criminalization – especially Black women and other women of color.
Today, to mark one year after #Dobbs, new data out from @NPWF shows that 36.2 million women of reproductive age live in states that have banned or are likely to ban #abortion – 15.4 million of whom are women of color.
Protect My Care:
TN families deserve better than our laws allow. Last year’s #SCOTUS #Dobbs decision & the subsequent Human Life Protection Act have harmed our patients. Physicians, patients, & healthcare voters lament the erosion of our personal freedoms.
Strike for America:
The current reproductive crisis is putting a heavy toll on the lives of women and girls, leaving behind a trail of physical and mental burdens that reverberate for generations. This crisis disproportionately affects women of color. This has never been about saving lives. It’s about power and control.
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