The trend, known as “AI Cloning,” is gaining traction among sex workers. These AI “girlfriends” are like chatbots trained to talk and act like the real-life sex workers who inspire them. Even Social media is flooded with advertisements for AI Girlfriends, with over 1,000 hypersexual ads cataloged on Meta sites, including Instagram.
Riley Reid, an award-winning adult film star, is one of those leading this trend. She co-founded, a platform where users pay $30 a month to chat with an AI clone of her. This digital version is trained on Reid’s real-life experiences, making it talk and respond like she would. It’s not just about sexting; these AI clones chat about everyday stuff, like pets and work, offering users a more personal connection.
Reports suggest that a group of enthusiasts, including many in the adult entertainment industry, is experimenting with AI to create sex chatbots. Making these AI clones involves a process where the AI learns from videos, podcasts, and interviews of the real person. Creators answer lots of personal questions, record conversations, and fine-tune the AI’s responses. This way, users get a digital version that sounds and acts more and more like the real deal.
Sex Robots & the Future of Intimacy
But the idea of AI Cloning goes beyond mere sex chatbots. Companies are making strides in creating highly realistic Sex Robots featuring nuanced details like mimicking human breathing. The notion of AI potentially outpacing human-to-human intimacy isn’t just the stuff of sci-fi; it’s a topic gaining traction in current conversations. Futurist Ian Pearson predicts that by 2050, robot sex might surpass human-to-human intimacy.
Another futurist, Tracey Follows, highlights a trend in Japan where many young men are opting for relationships with digital assistants, avatars, or holographic girlfriends over navigating the complexities of real-life connections. According to Follows, this inclination is on the rise, and she envisions a future where relationships between humans and AI become widely accepted under the banner of ‘inclusion.’
SexTech is booming, and AI is a driving force behind its rapid evolution. Projections estimate that the sex tech market will hit nearly $3.3 billion by 2033, up from the current $576.5 million.
Will AI Sex robots replace human partners?
Recent claims by a former Google executive suggest that AI encounters could be as satisfying as real-life interactions, leading to the possibility of AI-powered sex robots replacing human partners in the next 40 years.
However, a UK study from 2018 disputes this idea, stating that sex robots won’t solve loneliness. The study highlights that while someone might desire a sexbot, true connection and intimacy remain unproven and can’t be authentically replicated.
Adding to the debate are worries about ultra-realistic deep fakes. People, including actors and celebrities like Tom Hanks, are calling for regulations on how this technology is used to protect individuals. Experts warn that the growing trend of deep fake porn, where you can use AI to have simulated encounters with anyone, could have serious psychological effects on both users and the people being portrayed. Well, the ethical and real-world consequences of this tech are starting to raise some serious questions.
Author Profile

- Fizza Tanveer writes stories about history for The Feisty News. She resurrects lost stories with her pen-as-time machine. To her, history isn't mere facts and figures; instead, it's about understanding the past's impact on our world.
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