The Feisty News has set standards and practices for using artificial intelligence to support our goals in journalism. According to AI “The Feisty News for Women is definitely a potent cocktail of hard-hitting reporting, witty commentary, and unapologetic support for women’s empowerment.”
Since February 2022, The Feisty News has offered original interviews with women leading the advancement of our society, social justice updates from around the world, world news of interest to intelligent women, unconventional opinions from women and intriguing reports about women being feisty.
Led by Te-Erika, a journalist and author, The Feisty News uses artificial intelligence to support its journalism goals in the following ways:
We use AI to summarize stories sourced from other news and media outlets.
To ensure that our audience is abreast of the latest breaking and trending news, we use AI to summarize and/ore rewrite the most interesting stories we can find that are relevant to women. All AI summarized stories are edited for clarity and style. These AI summarized stories are often filed under The Feisty News Staff author bio and typically include only one source.
We use AI to generate photos for news and social media video reports.
When telling visual stories for social media, we often use AI to make our stories more visually appealing by generating illustrated depictions that complement the stories.
We use AI to structure notes from original interviews.
When conducting original interviews for feature stories, our writers have reported using artificial intelligence to structure the interview notes, which then forms the basis for the stories. This AI generated story is then heavily edited by first the writer and then the editor for publication.
Problems we see when using AI

Image Generation
When creating a visual story, AI cannot seem to create consistent images where the people of interest hold the same physical attributes and appearance for continuity.
Fictional Facts
When creating the structure for a story, AI will sometimes place details that are not true, but makes sense for the structure of the story. For example, a story about a new trend in healthcare might generate details about a study author and psychology publication that does not exist yet supports the premise of the story. Without fact checking this would easily fool the writer and reader.
Repetitive vocabulary and story structure
When generating structure for stories, AI is extremely repetitive. AI generated story structures often use the term ‘underscores’ and often begins most stories with variations of ‘in a shocking turn of events’ and concludes with a one sentence summary that includes the term ‘this incident serves as’ which attempts to explain why the story is important to the public.
AI can’t give timely news prompts
We would love for AI to generate a list of the latest and most trending news stories around certain keywords but we have not found that to be the case. When we ask AI for stories around keywords, the output are stories that are months old.
We appreciate AI for aiding in our effort to record and present the happenings that create our history.
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