A 70-year-old woman in Uganda has given birth to twins following IVF treatment, marking a remarkable achievement in the field of fertility medicine. According to the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre in Kampala, Safina Namukwaya underwent a successful C-section delivery, welcoming a healthy baby boy and girl.
This remarkable event makes Ms. Namukwaya one of the oldest women in the world to give birth, a testament to the advancements in modern medicine. Upon welcoming her twins, she expressed her joy to local media, calling it a “miracle.”
Dr. Edward Tamale Sali, a fertility specialist at WHI&FC, revealed that the successful pregnancy was possible due to the combined use of a donor egg and Ms. Namukwaya’s partner’s sperm. The twins, born prematurely at 31 weeks, are currently under observation in incubators and are reported to be in stable condition. Dr. Edward applauded the achievement, emphasizing that delivering twins to Africa’s oldest mother at the age of 70 goes beyond a medical milestone. He pointed out that it symbolizes the “strength and resilience of the human spirit.”
Ms. Namukwaya’s journey to motherhood was not without challenges. She revealed to Uganda’s Daily Monitor newspaper that her partner abandoned her upon learning about the twins. “Men dislike being told that you are expecting more than one child,” she stated.
This isn’t the first time Ms. Namukwaya has experienced the joy of motherhood. In 2020, she gave birth to a baby girl, driven by a desire for children due to societal stigma around being childless. Reflecting on her past, she shared, “I babysat other people’s children and watched them grow up and leave me alone. I pondered who would look after me when I got old.”
Typically, women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, experiencing a significant decrease in fertility. However, advancements in reproductive technology have made it possible for women to conceive beyond this natural stage. IVF is one such technique involving the fertilization of an egg outside the body and its subsequent implantation in the woman’s womb for development.
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- Fizza Tanveer writes stories about history for The Feisty News. She resurrects lost stories with her pen-as-time machine. To her, history isn't mere facts and figures; instead, it's about understanding the past's impact on our world.
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