In my wellness journey, I had a gut-wrenching realization that ultimately set me free: no one is coming.
No one is coming to rescue you.
No one holds the key to your happiness. No one is stepping in to magically fix your life.
You, and only you, hold the power to change, to thrive, and to manifest happiness in your life. You have to stop allowing external circumstances or other people to dictate your happiness and your life.
Clinging to the hope that someone or something else will fix your life is what is holding you back from real growth. It is a crutch that prevents you from stepping into your true power. Believing that someone is coming along to rescue you may make you feel better in the short term but, in reality, it forces you to relinquish control over your own life.
It’s time to shatter the illusion and embrace the hard truth: you are in charge of your life, your choices, and your happiness. Your worth isn’t dependent on external validation or circumstances. The ability to create happiness rests solely with you, even if the path ahead seems daunting.
Now is the time to get out of the passenger seat and into the driver’s seat of your life. Dive deep to understand your thoughts and behaviors. Are you operating according to your authentic core values, or are you letting negative narratives and limiting beliefs hold you back? Take control of your actions and acknowledge their consequences. Are you setting intentional goals and plans, or are you winging it and hoping for the best? Your thoughts, intentions, and actions today set the stage for who you will be tomorrow. To ignite meaningful, positive momentum in your life, you must decide how you want to feel and then put in the work to achieve that
Trust in your ability to navigate whatever comes your way as you take bold, determined steps toward the life you truly desire. You deserve to be happy, successful, and fulfilled on your own terms.
Embracing your power is the key to empowered living. No one is coming to save you. Only you can claim ownership of your life and transform it into everything you’ve ever envisioned.
Are you ready?
Contributed by Sonia Jhas
Sonia Jhas is a South Asian mindset and wellness expert as well as the author of I’ll Start Again Tomorrow (And Other Lies I’ve Told Myself). You can reach her at
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