Author: The Feisty News Contributors

The Feisty News Contributors create guest posts for the advancement of women.

When it comes to using weight loss drugs like Ozempic or Mounjaro, I caution against relying on them as a primary method to maintain or lose weight. We often see these drugs being promoted by influencers and celebrities on social media, but they’re not medical professionals, and they rarely discuss the intricate health risks associated with them. It’s important to recognize that these medications aren’t straightforward solutions for weight loss; they come with complex health implications that should be carefully considered. These medications, initially developed for diabetes, have weight loss as a side effect, and they’re becoming a go-to solution…

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When we met in New York, my ex fiance’ was a French ex-pat interning in NYC before returning to France to finish his last year of college, and I was a college senior interning in the city before I was due to return to Indiana University for my last semester. What had started as a summer fling soon morphed into a love story that eventually found me moving to France after graduation to live with him while he finished school. By the time we both landed back in NYC to build a life together, it had felt as though we…

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I was 19 years old when I met my first partner and had never really had a proper relationship before. I grew up in the UK and he was from New Zealand. Compared to me I thought he was terribly mature and worldly wise. In comparison, my life had been very sheltered and I barely knew how to boil an egg or peel a potato! We had only been together four months when he asked me to go back to NZ with him. I was already pursuing a career in travel but this was even more than I ever dreamed…

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You know what’s the biggest hurdle women face? The constant, relentless pressure to fit into societal standards. Whether it’s the media, peers, or even close family, there’s always a “right way” to be a woman, a mother, a professional. Remember that movie “Joy” with Jennifer Lawrence? It’s a classic example of a woman’s potential being continually undermined until she decides enough is enough. And let’s not even get started on the countless TV shows where women are typecast into specific roles, only to have a ‘transformation’ based on societal approval. Sidestepping these social pressures to conform to how society believes…

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Am I a bad mom for encouraging my children to use AI for their schoolwork? Absolutely not. Do you feel like a bad mom for encouraging your children to take advantage of online tools? I don’t. Although that opinion is out there, circulating Facebook from influencers and alarmists. Twenty years ago, we were told not to plunk the kids down in front of the television when we needed a break. And we were encouraged not to rely on prepackaged food for snacks.  Those are all forms of “cheating,” they said. But all these things have something else in common. People who aren’t…

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In my wellness journey, I had a gut-wrenching realization that ultimately set me free: no one is coming. No one is coming to rescue you. No one holds the key to your happiness. No one is stepping in to magically fix your life. You, and only you, hold the power to change, to thrive, and to manifest happiness in your life. You have to stop allowing external circumstances or other people to dictate your happiness and your life. Clinging to the hope that someone or something else will fix your life is what is holding you back from real growth.…

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a late Supreme Court luminary, has recently become the epicenter of diverse opinions, critiques, and cultural commentaries. However, a closer examination of her leadership and tenure reveals a Justice who was not only groundbreaking but also deeply principled. A Progressive Vision Through Conservative Reasoning One of Ginsburg’s most unique attributes, as highlighted by Kimberly Wehle in Politico, was her ability to employ conservative reasoning to advocate for progressive causes. This strategic approach allowed Ginsburg to bridge divides and appeal to a broader spectrum of jurists and legal thinkers. Her restrained and fair-minded approach to law showcased…

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I have great admiration for Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate activist who has not only turned heads but also shaken up the global conversation around climate change, despite being the object of so much anger. This young woman has become a global icon before even turning 20 because of her relentless advocacy for immediate political action to combat climate change. I’ve followed her and the causes she supports like the Green New Deal, divestment from fossil fuels, and global carbon emissions reductions. I’ve also seen how her Fridays for Future movement has inspired millions of young people to get involved…

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Female reproductive rights has been a hot topic since the 1960s when the birth control pill was invented. Married couples only though, because why would a single woman need birth control?? If she’s any kind of lady she isn’t having sex. Yet it’s always been completely ok for men to be sexual creatures, ring or no ring. (Although since US sodomy laws weren’t technically revoked until a Supreme Court hearing in 2003, one wonders with whom unmarried men were having sex with if single women weren’t supposed to being having sex and having sex with another man was technically against…

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There I was, at the peak of my career in corporate tech marketing, clocking in 60+ hour weeks while also training for an Ironman. The intense workload and grueling training sessions were not just taking a toll on me mentally, but it eventually led to a chronic illness. Yes, you read that right. My pursuit of ‘success’ resulted in my body literally shutting down. Today, I’m pleading with women, let’s cut the crap—burnout is NOT a badge of honor. It’s actually a glaring neon sign saying, “Stop trying to be everything to everyone!” Burnout on the Rise According to a…

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